TLC has nurtured and supported the cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development of children for over fifty years. We provide high-quality, accredited infant and toddler care, preschool and pediatric therapy services to accomplish our mission: to provide, in a fiscally responsible manner, comprehensive early childhood education and therapeutic services to assist each child in reaching his or her highest potential. Skyline Kiwanis is proud to… Read more »
News | Skyline Kiwanis - Part 4

Founded in 2008, PEARL was established to help single parents and their dependent children move toward self-sufficiency by providing a variety of programs, including mentoring and encouragement, educational opportunities and scholarships, and a transportation program. Skyline Kiwanis is proud to be a fundraiser for such a wonderful organization. To learn more about the Pearl Group,… Read more »

LONGMONT FIREWORKS NEEDS DONATIONS! The City of Longmont does not have funds in the budget for the 2020 Longmont 4th of July Fireworks Display. As a result, Skyline Kiwanis is driving this years fundraiser. We all love the traditional fireworks dating back as long as we can remember. Please keep our 4th of July fireworks tradition alive!

We now hold weekly lunch meetings, noon, each Wednesday, at… American Legion Post 32 315 S Bowen Longmont CO 80501

YOU win and YOU get to choose…2018 Camaro, Mustang or Challenger
Your choice of sweet rides, or $40,000 cash if that’s more your style. Simply make a donation and you’ll automatically be entered into the drawing.

Congratulations to our winner of the fundraiser- Chris Mort, ticket 640 with a prize of $10K. All sweepstakes proceeds ($10K) went to the local organization A Woman’s Work. The Skyline Longmont Kiwanis Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non profit organization, held a fundraising event for a vehicle by the Skyline Kiwanis Club based in Longmont, CO. The recipient of this years sweepstakes proceeds went to (AWW) This is a fantastic local organization helping with immediate needs for…

FIREWORKS TEXAS HOLD’EM POKER TOURNAMENT! – Sunday, October 23rd 2016 Join us for fun and cash prizes to raise money for
Longmont’s annual fireworks display. The tournament will be held at the Longmont American Legion Hall – 315 S. Bowen St., Longmont, Co. Registration is 1:00 PM and Tourney Starts at 2:00 PM. MONIES RAISED WILL GO TOWARD THE 2017 CITY OF LONGMONT FIREWORKS DISPLAY

On June 5th, 2016 the 37th Annual Skyline Kiwanis Golf Tournament was held at the Ute Creek Golf Course in Longmont, CO. We had a great turnout with a count of 30 teams totaling 112 golfers. We want to thank everyone who was able to be a part of the 37th Annual Skyline Kiwanis Benefit Golf Tournament 2016’s “Putt for Habitat”.

October 26, 2015 – The “Poker Champ for a Day” Skyline Kiwanis Community Fund Raising Events. On an occasional Sunday, we host the Skyline Kiwanis “Poker Champ for a day. This past fund raiser generated funds for the Longmont 4th of July Fireworks Display.