Currently viewing the category: "News"

God bless all the folks at Peaks Care Center and the Skyline Kiwanis Club for a great 2020 Thanksgiving holiday event! As usual, Donna Hartley, from PCC, Dan Vonalt and his Kiwanis clan coordinated the effort and spent his time buying the fixings, while Jim Dill procured the turkeys again for a fine Thanks Giving… Read more »

Since April 2020, Skyline Kiwanis of Longmont has been hosting Bingo every Thursday night from from 5pm – 9pm at the Longmont Bingo Alley. Pull tab sales start at 5pm with Bingo starting at 7pm. Payout is $2,000 every Monday night, and we have two progressive bingo games as well! All proceeds generated will be… Read more »

Join the Skyline Kiwanis Club for the 11th One of a kind STILLROVEN SHOOTOUT!!!
Sat April 25th 2020 at 1pm. Five person teams will compete in trap shooting, rifle marksmanship competition, World renowned Potato Cannon shooting and more! 1 st Prize will be a 5 man hunt at Stillroven Farm for pheasants. After the competition, we’ll gather in the clubhouse for great barbeque, beer, and cigars.

The Crane Family Project TopGolf Tournament was a big success in grossing over $11,000. We had 126 players participate in the tournament. A great time was had by all. A big thank your to all the great local business sponsors. They were a key to the success of the fundraiser. The Crane Family continue their… Read more »

The Skyline Kiwanis Poker Tournament on November 17th 2019 raised over $3,000! Thank you to all the great Texas Hold’em players that participated. The tournament had over 50 players, and a great time was had by all. Food and beverages were provided along with great prizes! We are planning our next tournament on January 26th… Read more »

TEXAS HOLD’EM POKER TOURNAMENT! – Sunday, November 17th 2019 Join us for fun and cash prizes to raise money for Longmont’s community members in need. The tournament will be held at the Longmont American Legion Hall – 315 S. Bowen St., Longmont, Co. Registration is at 1:00 PM

Golf Tourney for Habitat for Humanity
Skyline Kiwanis in Longmont is excited to announce our 40th Annual Golf Tournament to support Habitat for Humanity. This year’s tournament is Friday June 7th 2019 and will return to Ute Creek Golf Course. This golf tournament is always a great time, so check out the details and the printable application form. Get your team signed up as soon as possible, as there are a limited number of spots available.

The mission of Crossroads School is to assist students who have experienced academic and/or behavioral struggles in traditional schools to reach their potential through an individually distinctive, learner-appropriate program.  We accomplish this by implementing the following core principles: Surrounding students with adult mentors and individual support Focusing on each individual’s distinctive needs, in learner-appropriate ways… Read more »

Longmont Meals on Wheels’ primary focus is to provide hot, nutritious meals and a daily check to older adults and people with disabilities that reside in the communities of Longmont and Niwot. This service helps them maintain their independence, health, and dignity. Longmont Meals on Wheels provides this service without any state or federal funding,… Read more »