Skyline Kiwanis is excited to Skyline Kiwanis is excited to announce our third “TOPGOLF” Tournament to support the Skyline Kiwanis Foundation and the Veteran’s Community Project in Longmont, CO. This year’s “TOPGOLF” will be at their new facility Sunday, November 21, 2021. Click here for directions: TOPGOLF 16011 Grant St. Thornton, CO 80023. We are… Read more »
Archives | Skyline Kiwanis - Part 2

The 43rd annual Habitat for Humanity tournament at Fox Hill Club was a huge success raising over $20,000. The vast majority of the funds raised went to the Habitat for Humanity’s Mountain Brook development where they will be building 8 Habitat Homes and helping Veterans Community Project to build 26 Small Cottages for homeless veterans,… Read more »

God bless all the folks at Peaks Care Center and the Skyline Kiwanis Club for a great 2020 Thanksgiving holiday event! As usual, Donna Hartley, from PCC, Dan Vonalt and his Kiwanis clan coordinated the effort and spent his time buying the fixings, while Jim Dill procured the turkeys again for a fine Thanks Giving… Read more »

Join the Skyline Kiwanis Club for the 11th One of a kind STILLROVEN SHOOTOUT!!!
Sat April 25th 2020 at 1pm. Five person teams will compete in trap shooting, rifle marksmanship competition, World renowned Potato Cannon shooting and more! 1 st Prize will be a 5 man hunt at Stillroven Farm for pheasants. After the competition, we’ll gather in the clubhouse for great barbeque, beer, and cigars.

Recently Skyline Kiwanis started a “TOPGOLF” Tournament Fundraiser at TOPFGOLF’s venue at 16011 Grant Street, Thornton, CO, March 7th, from 2-5 pm, registration at 1 pm. You don’t need to be a golfer to participate in this event, and it’s a lot fun for a good cause! We will also have a really fun auction… Read more »

TEXAS HOLD’EM POKER TOURNAMENT! – Sunday, January 26th 2019. Join us for Great Poker Give-A-ways to raise money for Longmont’s community members in need.

Skyline Kiwanis is pleased to offer a special Tax Deductible fundraising opportunity to help support a local family in Mead as they work to make their home accessible for their severely handicapped son, Isaac.

LONGMONT FIREWORKS NEEDS DONATIONS! The City of Longmont does not have funds in the budget for the 2020 Longmont 4th of July Fireworks Display. As a result, Skyline Kiwanis is driving this years fundraiser. We all love the traditional fireworks dating back as long as we can remember. Please keep our 4th of July fireworks tradition alive!

Join the Skyline Kiwanis Club for the 10th One of a kind STILLROVEN SHOOTOUT!!!
Sat April 20th 2019 at 1pm. Five person teams will compete in trap shooting, rifle marksmanship competition, World renowned Potato Cannon shooting and more! 1 st Prize will be a 5 man hunt at Stillroven Farm for pheasants. After the competition, we’ll gather in the clubhouse for great barbeque, beer, and cigars.

YOU win and YOU get to choose…2018 Camaro, Mustang or Challenger
Your choice of sweet rides, or $40,000 cash if that’s more your style. Simply make a donation and you’ll automatically be entered into the drawing.