Crane Family Project
Skyline Kiwanis is pleased to offer a special Tax Deductible fundraising opportunity to help support a local family in Mead as they work to make their home accessible for their severely handicapped son, Isaac. Click Crane Family Project to view or download the full story in pdf format.
Donation Goal Progress as of
Between Skyline Kiwanis TopGolf event and the direct donations of nearly 30 donors we have raised and paid out $45,738.52, over doubling our goal!
Thank you goes out to:
- Marilyn Blackmon
- Skyline Kiwanis Foundation
- Roger Boostrom
- Mary Pera
- Roxeanne Wedan
- Jyl M Phillips
- Tom Herman
- Robert Trout
- The Emerson Family
- Lois Taber
- Doris Brunnette
- Patty Serlis
- Lori Walker
- Ron & Arlene Brown
- Tom Sturm
- Melody Mills
- Christine Jones
Please click “Donate to Crane Family Project” to donate now!
New Top Golf Fundraiser
Recently Skyline Kiwanis decided to designate Isaac Crane and his family the primary beneficiary of the “Topgolf” Golf Tournament, 16011 Grant Street, Thornton, CO, Feb. 23, 2-5 pm, registration at 1 pm. You don’t need to be a golfer to participate in this event, and it’s a lot fun for a good cause! Please click “Top Golf Registration Form” to open the form and print it out. Return completed form per the instructions on the form. The registration deadline is February 15th!
Project Summary
Recently featured on Channel 7 news, the Cranes have courageously fought for the health and survival of their son Isaac. While Isaac’s challenges are still immense, recent medical successes have provided renewed hope for Isaac who is currently attending Kindergarten at Mead Elementary. The family, their church and friends are trying to make their 110 year old home suitable for Isaac needs and the project has had severe challenges. Already nearly one half of the $215,000 needed to renovate this home has been raised. We’re looking to contribute a minimum of $20,000 to keep the project on track.

We are challenging the community to consider a $500 donation today to reach this mark. Skyline Kiwanis and donor Marilyn Blackmon are kicking off this fundraiser with $500 gifts each. With 38 donors we can reach our goal – with 240 donors we can fully fund this project!
Donations to Skyline Kiwanis Foundation are Tax Deductible! To participate either click on the Donate to Skyline Kiwanis button. when you make a donation indicate it is for the “Crane Family Project” when prompted to add a message. If you would like your donation to avoid credit card fees, you can send a check to Skyline Kiwanis at P.O. Box 565, Longmont, CO 80502-0565.